ArenaNet a écrit :Many of you have been asking about when we will have our second Beta Weekend Event. As we are approaching a long weekend in many parts of the world, we understand that some of you want to make plans for that. To help you with that we can confirm that we will NOT be running BWE2 this coming weekend.(Source : wiki.guildwars2)
Our BWE1 was super successful, we exceeded our expectations. As some of you might have experienced first hand, this lead to some technical issues. To make sure we are not running into the same situation for BWE2, we recently had a stress test, and we are currently deploying a lot of additional hardware in our datacenters.
We will be able to tell you exactly when BWE2 will take place as soon as all the hardware has been deployed. We are not withholding a date intentionally, we want to make sure that BWE2 will be a really great experience for all of you.
I hope this helps a bit in understanding where we are standing – you all have a really relaxing long weekend! ~MK
En gros, pas de Bêta Week-end Guild Wars 2 pour ce mois de Mai. On s'attendait tous à ce week-end de Pentecôte, et bah non !
Pour la peine, voici la très longue liste des corrections qui ont été ou sont entrain d'être modifié pour Guild Wars 2 :
En tout cas, ça ne chôme pas chez ArenaNet et c'est tant mieux.